Undead life, fashion & food


18 years old, passionate about Halloween, food, fashion, film and coffee!

What's up with the blog name?

The Pumpkin Que3n is an allusion to one of my favourite films - The Nightmare Before Christmas! I am totally and utterly obsessed with Halloween and anything to do with it! My Mum made every Halloween so special for me as a kid. Those are probably some of my fondest memories of childhood. Our House was THE place to go for Halloween parties and there would be queues of trick or treaters lined up outside on the 31st each year. Needless to say, from round about November 1st I'm counting down the days till the next Halloween. Doing yearly 'Vlogoweens' is top of my list and I have some very exciting ideas!

Why did I start this blog and youtube thing?

After a summer of watching copious amounts of YouTube videos and reading blogs online, I decided that I wanted to join the blogosphere and start my own!

Some of my favorite youtuber/bloggers are Sprinkle of Glitter, Grav3yard Girl, Dan Is Not On Fire and Amazing Phil so I'm hoping that their influence will come through in my blogging!

Admittedly my efforts have been slightly lame over the past year, however, I am in the midst of A2 Levels and so time is very, very precious at the moment. Once I move to England (I am currently being schooled overseas) and start higher education, blogging and vlogging will hopefully become a much bigger part of my life.

...and a little more about me...

I'm 18 years old and, although born in England, I've spent my entire life living in the Middle East. As you can imagine, that would mean that I feel a little nomadic having grown up in such a mish-mash  (is that a saying?) of cultures!

I'm really love learning and my passions are Fine Art, Film, English Literature and History. Somehow I need to combine these into one career haha!

This blog will be my little corner of the internet where I can ramble about all the things I'm super passionate about. You can expect anything from vlogs, shopping hauls, arty farty videos, general chit chat ones, hopefully some Black Milk lookbooks and much more! I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences, influences, inspirations and life adventures with you guys.

Please say 'hi' in the comments, I would love to hear from you if you're reading this! x

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